Wednesday, January 6, 2016

"Karibu! Welcome to Tenwek"

Yesterday I made the trek from Nairobi to Tenwek hospital where I'll be spending the next 3.5 weeks. I had a lovely and very memorable 4 hour drive over the Kenyan countryside to the hospital, just outside of a  small town in Northwestern Kenya called Bomet. I was driven by a delightful, friendly, and warm-hearted Kenyan man named Ephraim. I took advantage of the opportunity to pick his mind about the Kenyan culture, including healthcare, government, agriculture, food, and spiritual life. He taught me so much including several Swahili words; we joked that he was my Kenyan "tutor." I also helped him with some of his English pronunciation although I found his English to be quite good. 

I was amazed at stories he told me about his childhood growing up in rural Kenya in a family of 8 children. I heard about his days spent trekking to the water hole for bathing and washing clothes, rabbit and guinea fowl hunting with the dogs, and grazing donkeys. He is a strong believer in Christ and is the son of a pastor. His brother is also a pastor and missionary to a Muslim tribe in Northern Kenya. He started an agricultural program there which he used as an opportunity to build a relationship before sharing the Gospel. Many people there are opening their hearts to Jesus! I found it very refreshing to talk with Ephraim, such a peaceful and content man, which I have found to characterize many of the Kenyan people I have encountered so far. He talked about not letting trials get him down, but pressing on and looking at the positive. He even described being totally calm and at peace when he drives in traffic! Such the opposite of the U.S. I wish I could adopt more of that kind of peaceful, joyful spirit despite my surroundings. 

After arriving at Tenwek I settled into my apartment at the visitor's guest house, which is quite nice and charming!  Complete with a desk area that has a view of the beautiful grounds. The entire living quarter area is surrounded by gorgeous, well-manicured gardens itself is nestled in the majestic Great Rift Valley. Shortly after my arrival I had a tour/orientation of the hospital and received my call schedule and pager. I had lunch at a missionary doctors' home, the Many's. Dr. Heath Many is a general surgeon and his wife and Ob-Gyn who is now a full time home school teacher for their young children. They left their private practices in the US 1.5 years ago to serve here. I can't imagine the challenge and sacrifice of leaving behind their established lives and uprooting everything to come out here with their family. They are such gracious and kind people and made me feel right at home. 

I will continue this story tomorrow as I am now having difficulty with the internet and can't upload pictures. 

Ephraim and I, a "Mzungu." (non-derogatory word for white person)
Just arriving into the Great Rift Valley

Entering Tenwek Hospital grounds! (Tenwek is believed to be a short name for "Ten Weeks," the length of time it took a man to arrive here). 

My room in the guest house. Complete with bug nets! Thankfully no mosquitoes, only some pesky flies. 

View from my desk. Not too shabby.

View from my guest room of the beautiful landscaping

1 comment:

  1. Rach, thank you for taking us along on your journey! How amazing to learn all of this about the people, the country, etc. you're a good story teller. Ephraim is the name of one of Joseph's sons in the bible. I just read it! I love you! Aunt Jan
